The Making of a Film About the
Cruise Industry
June 7, 2024
Film Director Michael Noer discovered a website called International Cruise Line Victims – it only takes a minute or two visiting the website to really see where Michael got his inspiration. This makes watching the film all the more harrowing in its subject matter.
“All of a sudden everything went from zero to hundred – when you see a website like this I immediately felt I had to make a movie about this. It is crazy that these things happen and I hope more people become aware of it through the film because this kind of makes me really angry that this is happening.“ stated Michael
click on image for press release report and for the latest review
On behalf of crew members worldwide, we thank you Michael for making this film. For more insights into the hidden secrets, get your copy today of the publicaiton
The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea.

April 4th, 2024
'Birthday Girl' is extremely thought provoking and the ending is ice cold. Psychological and ethical. And even more sinister when you check the backstories of cruise lobbying to obstruct justice and cover up crimes. Sexual assaults make up the majority of the reports, but the dark figure is only known to the shipping companies, because they themselves decide whether the incidents should be labeled and reported as crimes. A lawless deep whose subtitle could be "all inclusive: crimes and suicide." CLICK on IMAGE for full review.
February 12, 2024 11:00
Media World today presents - Film Director Michael Noer and author L.C.Tang make a staggering appearance as whistleblowers of the cruise industry.
Whistleblowing news from the Santa Barbara Film Festival makes waves as Film Director Michael Noers' film titled BIRTHDAY GIRL reveals the dark secrets of the cruise industry. Unsuspecting crimes and behaviors that can take place at sea which are often swept under the radar are revealed with each nail biting scene. Coming soon to a theatre near you!
Everything For My Daughter
Click on IMAGES for direct links.
February 12, 2024 08:00
The World NEWSWIRE presents - /EINPresswire.com/ -- Film Director Michael Noer debuts his film BIRTHDAY GIRL at the 39th Santa Barbara Film Festival and shines a spotlight on the underbelly of the lavish cruise industry. With the unwavering support of a team within the cruise industry, an additional whistleblower, author L.C.Tang of "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" makes a surprising appearance in support.
February 12, 2024 11:00
US National TIMES presents - /EINPresswire.com/ -- Film Director Mr. Michael Noer debuts his film BIRTHDAY GIRL at the 39th Santa Barbara Film Festival and shines a spotlight on the underbelly of the lavish cruise industry. With the unwavering support of a team within the cruise industry, an additional whistleblower, author L.C.Tang of "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" makes a surprising appearance in support.
Here at Affinity Group Publishing (AGP), the publisher of US National Times, we use advanced intelligent systems to present news to you from thousands of sources. Our purpose is to create a global footprint of carefully moderated news, supporting local services and filling news deserts. As we identify and weed out fake news and propaganda we offer the kind of news service that is so needed in the current post-truth era.
US National Times is one of 3,900 AGP publications. It’s part of a global network run by people who are actually worried about the effects of fake news and propaganda in global news distribution.
Click on IMAGE for press release.

February 13, 2024 12:00 AM
Kalkine Media presents - /EINPresswire.com/ -- Film Director Michael Noer debuts his film BIRTHDAY GIRL at the 39th Santa Barbara Film Festival and shines a spotlight on the underbelly of the lavish cruise industry. With the unwavering support of a team within the cruise industry, an additional whistleblower, author L.C.Tang of "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" makes a surprising appearance in support.
Kalkine Media Pty Ltd. is an independent global media house and investor relations group based out of Sydney, Australia, with its wings spread across different geographies. The intent is to keep the readers abreast of the latest developments and hot news across equity, currency, and commodity markets.
Kalkine Media Pty Ltd. serves to be a high-end content-driven platform, covering Australian share market charter, industry news, company announcements, currency movements, economic developments, and overall commodities scenario.
Click on IMAGES for more information.
Suite 202, 234 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia +61 290559495
February 12, 2024 08:16
MENAFN presents - /EINPresswire.com/ -- Film Director Mr. Michael Noer debuts his film BIRTHDAY GIRL at the 39th Santa Barbara Film Festival and shines a spotlight on the underbelly of the lavish cruise industry. With the unwavering support of a team within the cruise industry, an additional whistleblower, author L.C.Tang of "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" makes a surprising appearance in support.
يعرض المخرج السينمائي السيد مايكل نوير فيلمه BIRTHDAY GIRL لأول مرة في مهرجان سانتا باربرا السينمائي التاسع والثلاثين ويسلط الضوء على الجانب السفلي من صناعة الرحلات البحرية الفخمة. بفضل الدعم الثابت من فريق في صناعة الرحلات البحرية، ظهر مُبلغ إضافي، المؤلف L.C.Tang من "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea"، بشكل مفاجئ في الدعم.
The Middle East North Africa Financial Network, Inc. (MENAFN) is the leading provider of online and wireless financial content and financial technology platforms to leading institutions and consumers around the Arab world. MENAFN was founded in June 2000 by a team of serial entrepreneurs with successful track records in the region. The company is a Delaware-based corporation with a wholly owned subsidiary in Amman, Jordan and a fully paid-up capital of $2 million.
تعد شبكة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا المالية (MENAFN) المزود الرائد للمحتوى المالي عبر الإنترنت واللاسلكي ومنصات التكنولوجيا المالية للمؤسسات الرائدة والمستهلكين في جميع أنحاء العالم العربي. تأسست "مينافن" في يونيو 2000 على يد فريق من رواد الأعمال ذوي السجلات الناجحة في المنطقة. الشركة هي شركة مقرها ولاية ديلاوير ولها شركة فرعية مملوكة بالكامل في عمان، الأردن ورأس مال مدفوع بالكامل قدره 2 مليون دولار.
Click on LOGO for more information. Amman, JORDAN 11194 Phone ++962 6 5690450/4

February 12, 2024 9:00 AM
KRON 4 NEWS presents - /EINPresswire.com/ -- Film Director Mr. Michael Noer debuts his film BIRTHDAY GIRL at the 39th Santa Barbara Film Festival and shines a spotlight on the underbelly of the lavish cruise industry. With the unwavering support of a team within the cruise industry, an additional whistleblower, author L.C.Tang of "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" makes a surprising appearance in support.
The Bay's Area for local News Station since November 1949, KRON4 has been the local news and entertainment source for millions in the San Francisco Bay Area. Originally operated by the Chronicle Publishing , KRON4's letters are tied to a rich history grounded in Bay Area journalism and beyond. Covering twelve counties, KRON 4 broadcasts from its studios on the historic Embarcadero, transmitting from atop Sutro Tower in San Francisco reaching 6.5 million people. KRON4's iconic stylized '4' logo is based on the architecture of the world-renowned Golden Gate Bridge. Contact : KRON 4 900 Front Street, 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94111
Click on LOGO for direct link.
February 12, 2024 11:00
State of the Union News presents - /EINPresswire.com/ -- Film Director Mr. Michael Noer debuts his film BIRTHDAY GIRL at the 39th Santa Barbara Film Festival and shines a spotlight on the underbelly of the lavish cruise industry. With the unwavering support of a team within the cruise industry, an additional whistleblower, author L.C.Tang of "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" makes a surprising appearance in support.
American news for Americans who are the largest group of cruisers in the travel industry and here at Affinity Group Publishing (AGP), the publisher of State of the Union News, we use advanced intelligent systems to present news to you from thousands of sources. State of the Union News is one of 3,900 AGP publications. It’s part of a global network run by people who are actually concerned about the effects of fake news and propaganda in global news distribution.
Click on LOGO for direct link.
February 12, 2024 11:00
Channel 8 News presents - /EINPresswire.com/ -- Danish Filmmaker Michael Noer debuts his film BIRTHDAY GIRL at the 39th Santa Barbara Film Festival and shines a spotlight on the underbelly of the lavish cruise industry. With the unwavering support of a team within the cruise industry and additional whistleblower, author L.C.Tang of "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" makes a surprising appearance in support.
Florida is the cruise capital in the world and ushers in as the busiest traffic for the cruise industry. Moreover, Port Miami is among America's busiest ports and recognized at the Cruise Capital of the World and Global Gateway for Cargo. The Port contributes more than $43 billion annually to Miami-Dade County and generates 334,500 direct, indirect, and induced jobs. For more information, please visit www.portmiami.biz.
Every cruiser and travel enthusiast needs to watch this film "BIRTHDAY GIRL" and read this publication "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" before booking your next cruise!
Click on LOGO for direct link.
February 12, 2024 08:00
FOX 5 KUSI NEWS presents - /EINPresswire.com/ -- Film Director Mr. Michael Noer debuts his film BIRTHDAY GIRL at the 39th Santa Barbara Film Festival and shines a spotlight on the underbelly of the lavish cruise industry. With the unwavering support of a team within the cruise industry and additional whistleblower, author L.C.Tang of "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" makes a surprising appearance in support.
FOX 5 San Diego is the local FOX network TV station proudly serving San Diego television viewers and our advertisers with high-quality news, entertainment, sports and more. Broadcasting locally in high definition on digital TV channel 69.1 and cable channels 705 and 5, the station is known by the call letters KSWB, and its signal began broadcasting in San Diego on September 30, 1985. The station started broadcasting as FOX 5 San Diego on August 1, 2008.
KUSI News History
Nexstar Media Group, Inc. completed the acquisition of KUSI-TV from McKinnon Broadcasting on September 1, 2023. KUSI was established in 1982 as an independent television station. KUSI News has gained a reputation for its strong focus on local news coverage of San Diego’s news, events, and issues. This approach helped KUSI build a loyal local audience over the years which remains strong today. The station boasts 62.5 hours of local newscasts weekly.
FOX 5 & KUSI Studio 7191 Engineer Rd. San Diego, CA 92111 Phone: 858-492-9269 Click on LOGO for link.
February 12, 2024 11:00
The Associated Press presents - /EINPresswire.com/ -- Film Director Mr. Michael Noer debuts his film BIRTHDAY GIRL at the 39th Santa Barbara Film Festival and shines a spotlight on the underbelly of the lavish cruise industry. With the unwavering support of a team within the cruise industry, an additional whistleblower, author L.C.Tang of "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" makes a surprising appearance in support.
Critical revelations of the cruise industry unveiled in this monumental film and publication both strikes a chord into the heart of travel enthusiasts. Eye-opening and shocking scenes that confirm prudence is paramount most especially on the high seas where accountability is easy to escape.
The Associated Press is an independent global news organization dedicated to factual reporting. Founded in 1846, AP today remains the most trusted source of fast, accurate, unbiased news in all formats and the essential provider of the technology and services vital to the news business. Since 1846, we have been breaking news and covering the world’s biggest stories, always committed to the highest standards of accurate, unbiased journalism. We were founded as an independent news cooperative, whose members are U.S. newspapers and broadcasters, steadfast in our mission to inform the world. To this day, AP remains independent, beholden only to the facts. From delivering the news via pony express in 1846 to working with artificial intelligence today, we are always innovating to provide fast and factual news and information.
The Associated Press 200 Liberty St. New York, NY 10281 Click on LOGO for LINK.
Click on image for press release
February 12, 2024 13:00
SEA PIRACY NEWS TODAY presents - /EINPresswire.com/ -- Film Director Mr. Michael Noer debuts his film BIRTHDAY GIRL at the 39th Santa Barbara Film Festival and shines a spotlight on the underbelly of the lavish cruise industry. With the unwavering support of a team within the cruise industry and additional whistleblower, author L.C.Tang of "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" makes a surprising appearance in support.
Piracy and Crime at sea continues to prevail in the maritime industry and unfortunately crimes are on the rise. Film Director Mr. Michael Noer shines a spotlight on a topic often swept under the radar. Unsuspecting dangers and crime lurk in the high seas.
Every individual on every continent receives goods from cargo ships and are inadvertently affected by the maritime industry. Therefore, one needs to watch this film "BIRTHDAY GIRL" and read this publication "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" to better understand the dangers that lurk on the high seas. Be sure to thank a seafarer today for bringing goods, including tourists to the shores of your country.
Newsmatics Inc., 1025 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036
February 12, 2024 10:00
Nexstar Media Group Inc. presents - /EINPresswire.com/ --Film Director Michael Noer debuts his film BIRTHDAY GIRL at the 39th Santa Barbara Film Festival and shines a spotlight on the underbelly of the lavish cruise industry. With the unwavering support of a team within the cruise industry and additional whistleblower, author L.C.Tang of "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" makes a surprising appearance in support.
Galveston, Texas is one of the busiest cruise terminals in North America with a recent $53 Million makeover to welcome worldwide cruisers. The new terminal measures more than 160,000 square feet, cost $125 million to build and is estimated to welcome as many as 630,000 vacationers each year. It was also designed as the first LEED Zero Energy facility in the world, generating 100% of the energy it needs through onsite solar panels. Texas, where everything is bigger and although the carbon footprint is large, knows that Texas is doing its part.
Every cruiser and travel enthusiast needs to watch this film "BIRTHDAY GIRL" and read this publication "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" before booking your next cruise!
Click on LOGO for Press Release.
February 12, 2024 08:00
FOX 40 NEWS presents - /EINPresswire.com/ -- Film Director Michael Noer debuts his film BIRTHDAY GIRL at the 39th Santa Barbara Film Festival and shines a spotlight on the underbelly of the lavish cruise industry. With the unwavering support of a team within the cruise industry and additional whistleblower, author L.C.Tang of "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" makes a surprising appearance in support.
California being one of the headquarters of the cruise industry, directs and operates its various fleets around the world sailing under the various flags of convenience. Every cruiser and travel enthusiast needs to watch this film "BIRTHDAY GIRL" and read this publication "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" before booking your next cruise!
On October 9, 1986, it became an affiliate of the FOX network and branded itself as FOX40. FOX40’s commitment to “News That Matters” is a promise to our viewers that they matter to us. The station’s mission is to focus on the issues affecting our viewers by not just covering the story, but by digging deeper. FOX 40's drive for excellence includes producing award-winning journalism and offering our viewers creative and engaging content on all platforms. The station has won Associated Press awards, Edward R. Murrow awards, SPJ awards, and Emmys including an Emmy in June of 2019 for its podcast, “Exposed.”
Click on LOGO for Press Release.
February 12, 2024 11:00
22 NEWS WWLP.COM & NEXSTAR MEDIA GROUP Inc. presents - Author L.C. Tang of publication The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea who makes a surprising appearance at the unveiling of North American debut film BIRTHDAY GIRL during the 39th Santa Barbara Film Festival.
Film Director Michael Noer shines a spotlight on the unsuspecting dangers and crimes that lurk amongst passengers while Author L.C. Tang writes about parallel dangers amongst the sailing crew.
Both whistleblowers make a splash at the film festival thus informing the sailing passengers to exercise prudence while sailing the high seas by recognizing the hidden truths.
Nexstar Media Group, Inc. is one of the nation’s largest multimedia companies that operates or services 171 television stations in 100 markets along with the industry’s leading digital media business. We offer consumers and advertisers premium quality entertainment and information, content and distribution on every screen. Our robust portfolio of broadcast, digital and mobile products informs and engages 38.9% of U.S. TV households and Internet audience. Nexstar Media Group offers superior audience engagement across all media devices and local broadcast television’s unrivaled influence on consumers’ purchasing and political decisions.
Nexstar Media Group, Inc. trades on the NYSE under the symbol “NXST”. Visit www.nexstar.tv for more information.
Click on LOGO for Press Release.
Click on image for link
February 12, 2024 08:00
Economic News Observer presents - Mr. Michael Noer of film BIRTHDAY GIRL and Ms. L.C. Tang of The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea!
This film and book publication are both a surprising whistleblowing revelation of the cruise industry and provide an eye opening perspective into the global market of the maritime, travel and cruise industry.
Take what you will from this disclosure as the cruise industry continues to strive to regain its momentum prior to the global pandemic that crippled the industry. Film BIRTHDAY GIRL makes its NORTH AMERICAN debut at the Santa Barbara Film Festival February 7-17th, 2024.
February 12, 2024 11:00 EST
CRUISE SHIPS NEWS TODAY presents - /EINPresswire.com/ -- Film Director Mr. Michael Noer debuts his film BIRTHDAY GIRL at the 39th Santa Barbara Film Festival and shines a spotlight on the underbelly of the lavish cruise industry. With the unwavering support of a team within the cruise industry and additional whistleblower, author L.C.Tang of "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" makes a surprising appearance in support.
A whistleblowing film about the cruise industry and all that can go wrong with the unsuspecting crimes and behaviors that can take place at sea which are often swept under the radar. When cruise ships sail on international waters, there is no POLICE to protect oneself when something goes awry.
L.C.Tang was spotted at the North American debut of the film and makes an appearance coming alive as the once "REAL Birthday Girl" as in Chapter 1 of publication "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea". Such is the parallel of the film and L.C.Tang opening chapter one with her being the Birthday Girl who escapes to sea from a mundane life on land. Thanks to both WHISTLEBLOWING film "Birthday Girl" and book publication "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" which shines a spotlight on the unsuspecting criminality and rapes at sea. Be sure to view and read both before booking your next cruise.
Click on IMAGE for more information.
Newsmatics Inc. dba EIN News 1025 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036.

May 19th, 2022
NEWSMAKER presents - Worldwide Revelation of The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea! DOWN UNDER - Australia and New Zealand" delivers this incredible story to journalists, bloggers, consumers and stakeholders. This MEGA STORY about the hidden truths of the cruise industry rolled out first to journalists at 9 a.m. and then to every News channel, Television, Radio, and online media unfolding out across DOWN UNDER and then beyond to over 20 countries around the globe.
A remarkable story and insights into the cruise industry as never told before which will surely put you on the edge of your seat. Reminisce about cruising with this essential cruise companion.
Available at all Australia and New Zealand book distributors.
Click on IMAGE for Press Release.
Marcus Brock of NEWS DELI presents - Ms. L.C. Tang of The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea!
This publication is a surprising revelation of the cruise industry and provides an eye opening perspective into the global market of the maritime, travel and cruise industry. Take what you will from this disclosure as the cruise industry continues to struggle in getting back into full operations with the global pandemic that crippled the industry.
Marcus Brock focuses on breaking news stories and ensuring we (“News Deli”) offer timely reporting on some of the most recent stories released through market wires about “News Alerts” sector companies. Mr. Brock had formerly spent over 5 years as a trader in U.S. Stock Market and is a financial analyst.
Click on LOGO for Press Release.

STARGAZERS ARCHIVE takes trending news and shines the spotlight!
ENTER HOLLYWOOD, the central informative hub of the world's prime entertainment capital. We provide only the latest, juiciest and hottest news about your favourite celebrities.
Multifaceted Artist Ms. Lincee Tang is making headway again as a trailblazer in her own right touching lives and leaving footprints in various avenues. This story is a must read for every artist of all genres: Film, Music, Visual Arts, Theatre and Dance.
Lincee Tang entered the entertainment industry at a young age working in television and then progressing into the film industry. Lincee has held a number of roles for series, public service announcements, commercials, small roles in films, and promotions including inside the cruise industry. Also look on the television screens in your cruise cabin for Ms. Lincee Tang. Can you spot her in action in person and on screen both on land and at sea?
Click on IMAGES for links.
Yama Journal presents - The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea to Japan as it sweeps across nations in Asia. Countless Seafarers over the years have contributed in a myriad of avenues to the development of the maritime industry. Author L.C. Tang sheds light into the lives of seafarers on passengers ships.
Editor Mr. Tomoyuki Watanabe of Yama Journal believes in reporting news and events that motivate our readers for everything they want to chase. The report of truth is at the heart of our publication. Yama Journal was started by a journalist who has the knack for reporting on world-changing leaders and people. Yamajournal.com features inspiring news from the business, entertainment, sports, and technology worlds.
Mr. Tomoyuki Watanabe is a historian and political scientist. Tomoyuki is the author of two books. His philosophy incorporates ideas from anarchism, socialism, and social democracy. He is passionate about culture and the environment.

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S.A. / IPD Group, Inc.
Multifaceted Artist Ms. Lincee Tang is making headway again as a trailblazer in her own right touching lives and leaving footprints in various avenues. This story is a must read for every artist of all genres: Film, Music, Visual Arts, Theatre and Dance.
The Up and Coming Artist & Check this Beat takes news content distribution seriously. In the current post-truth era that we all live in it is becoming increasingly difficult to successfully navigate the world of media.
By using a proprietary labeling system designed to help you get the most of the news that we bring you daily, sources are labeled to distinguish mostly objective news from various private as well as government propaganda sources.
All the news appearing on our pages goes through a review process that involves human oversight. We are proud to say that thanks to the scope of this news index, a diversity of viewpoints and stances are presented on many issues. This means you can read about the same topic from numerous political angles and sources including the center, right-wing or left-wing perspective.
introduces and welcomes L.C. Tang
AMMAN, JORDAN / Complex No 41، Abu Feras Al-Hamadani، Amman
The Middle East North Africa Financial Network, Inc. (MENAFN) is the leading provider of online and wireless financial content and financial technology platforms to leading institutions and consumers around the Arab world. MENAFN was founded in June 2000 by a team of serial entrepreneurs with successful track records in the region. The company is a Delaware-based corporation with a wholly owned subsidiary in Amman, Jordan and a fully paid-up capital of $2 million.
Be sure to order your copy of "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea" through Ubuy serving all Arab countries and more. Click on the image for a direct link.
تأكد من طلب نسخة من هذا الكتاب اليوم.
اطلب من خلال UBUY وحدد بلد التسليم. انقر على صورة UBUY للحصول على رابط مباشر.
Dubai now hosts the largest cruise port in the middle east serving cruise lines such to include:
P&O Cruises Royal Caribbean Cunard Celebrity Cruises MSC Cruises Princess Cruises Fred. Olsen Norwegian Cruise Line
شكر خاص لجميع أفراد الطاقم العربي في جميع أنحاء العالم لدعمكم.

New York Travel Daily presents - Unquestionably this unparalleled and significant revelation about the cruise industry is the ultimate acquisition for anyone longing for some insights and answers about the daily life at sea. Reminisce about cruising with this essential travel companion.
The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea is an enthralling story of the hidden truths of the cruise industry as told by a passenger and crew member who navigates through the entertainment industry on land and at sea.
Author L.C.Tang stated in one interview, "This book was written to satiate the appetite of travel enthusiasts, artists, cruise passengers, crew members, and those affiliated and interested in the maritime industry. This story tells of the hidden truths of the cruise industry while providing the crew members a voice to be finally heard."
Click on LOGO for Press Release.
KOLKATA LOCAL presents - The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea. Editors of Kolkata Local Mr. Arjun Chatta and Mr. Nitin Sharma introduce to INDIA and the GLOBAL market, Ms. L.C. Tang in this press release and publication.
A one-stop website for geeks that love digging in about Business, Technology, Health, Lifestyle and World. Kolkata Local offers global news and content related to the latest tech and business trends that can transform day-to-day life.
Kolkata Local is dedicated to publishing lively, informative news and views. The majority of our news is provided by our amazing staff writers who are all experts in their respective fields. भारत के मेरे सभी साथी क्रू सदस्यों को विशेष धन्यवाद!
Click on image for direck link. Available to order at bookswagon.com
February 1, 2022 / EIN Presswire
EINPRESSWIRE presents - This significant revelation about the cruise industry in The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea is the ultimate item for every individual who has a hope and desire for a better tomorrow in every avenue in life.
An enthralling story of the hidden truths of the cruise industry as told by a passenger and crew member who survived ordeals to fulfill dreams and reach their destiny.
Author L.C.Tang stated in one interview, "This book was written to satiate the appetite of travel enthusiasts, artists, cruise passengers, crew members, and those affiliated and interested in the maritime industry. This story tells of the hidden truths of the cruise industry while providing the crew members a voice to be finally heard."
If one enjoyed the movie The Titanic, then this thrilling book of adventure filled with a plethora of tales intertwined with romance, crime, and thrills will surely intrigue every reader. Be sure to pack this essential travel companion.
PRWIREINDIA presents - Without a doubt this latest and monumental revelation about the maritime industry is blowing out of the water! The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea is the ultimate read for anyone curious for insights into the life of seafarers.
The minds behind PRWIRE India Mr. Akhilesh Nawani, Mr. Vikas Badoni and Mr. Digvijay Bisht introduce to INDIA and the GLOBAL market, Ms. L.C. Tang in this press release and publication.
Available to order at bookswagon.com
Christian Book Ministries presents - The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea as one of the great authors of a book that can change your life. Are you looking for adventure, change, meaning and purpose in life? Or perhaps some inspiration and words of encouragement?
Ms. Tang leaves her familiar world in the entertainment industry on land and steps into a life at sea learning to juggle two lives filled with adventures and opportunities. This is a testimony worth reading to get inspired to follow your dreams.
Read all about how God uses this unsuspecting individual Ms. Tang to touch the lives of those who come across her path while she is learning to grow up spiritually in surprising avenues. A heart warming story that will touch your soul as you read how the resilience coupled with the love of God works in wonderous ways. Click on IMAGES for direct link.